Wheatgrass: Detoxify Like Ironman!
Robert Downey Jr., played the role of Tony Stark, downed some ‘green stuff’ to ease his radioactively-induced arterial pain in the Marvel Comics’ adaptation movie Ironman 2 released in 2010. That resulted in a search engine chaos because those who saw the movie wanted to know what the ‘chlorophyll drink’ was made of. The actor being a fitness fanatic himself recommends the chlorophyll drink according to an interview with E! News.1 Now, what does that have to do wheatgrass you say? Wheatgrass juice is composed of about 70% chlorophyll, which is the substance that makes plants green and helps plants convert sunlight into energy that it can work with2. For humans, it promotes healthy blood flow which aids in the distribution of nutrients all over the body for it is rich in Iron2.
So what makes wheatgrass worth going a buzz for, except from its nutrient contents being celebrity-recommended?
Wheatgrass has significant amount of iron and chlorophyll. A 10-year old research study published by the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh, India established a positive result from a group of 38 thalassemia major patients3. Those who included fresh wheatgrass juice in their diets needed 25% less blood transfusion but those who did not still had a significant need for regular transfusion. (Thalassemia is a genetic blood disease where there is an inability to make normal hemoglobin necessary to deliver oxygen throughout the body by blood flow; also called Mediterranean Anemia.4)
It is scientifically proven that chlorophyll in wheatgrass has molecule similarities with hemoglobin proving it to be conducive for effective blood production and functions.3
- All that good ‘anti’ stuff. May it be anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidants, and anti-constipation, this super-food has it because of the noteworthy amount of vitamins and minerals it contains2. Wheatgrass contains twice the amount of Vitamin C in oranges and Vitamin A in carrots6. It is also remarkably rich in Vitamins E, K and B-complex, and holds majority of the minerals found in the soil that are essential for human sustenance6.
Many individuals now drink chlorophyll water or wheatgrass juice for all these benefits. It is said to be used by some Chron’s disease patients to ease their gastrointestinal inflammation due to the Vitamin K in it.
- “I am alkaline too!” – Wheatgrass. Eating unhealthy foods such as fast foods and processed foods result in pH imbalances making the blood acidic2.When our blood becomes acidic, other complications start like low blood pressure, insomnia, gastric disturbances and slow metabolism leading to weight gain2.That is why a balanced diet following Canada’s Food Guide recommendations is key to maintaining a healthy diet.
- We can’t forget the fibre! Fibre, being one of the most celebrated substances in the health world today – along with omega-3, Protein, and antioxidants (and acai berries) – is definitely a plus. Many commercial foods and food establishments has now shown their interest by including high-fibre foods in their menus and items which seems to be appealing to us consumers. There is about 29 grams of fiber in 100 grams of wheatgrass – this is if it is not liquefied once it is made into a juice all this fiber disintegrates.
Wheatgrass does not just grow our grains – flour, breads and pastries being some of the common by-product – but it also can be consumed on its own for fuller benefits. So if you ever encounter a radioactive illness of some sort, chomp down some wheatgrass swill or also just try for the nutritional benefits of it.
1Gilchrist, T. (2012). 10 Things You Gotta Know About Iron Man 2. E! News Online.
2Mowbray, N. (2013, August 11). Femail. Retrieved February 27, 2014, from Daily Mail UK Online: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2389536/Chlorophyll-plant-extract-water-hailed-new-wonder-drink.html
3Marwaha, R., Bansal, D., Kaur, S., & Treahan, A. (2004, Jannuary 11). Wheatgrass Juice Reduces Transfusion Requirement in Patients with Thalassemia Majo: A Pilot Studyr. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. Chandigarh, India: Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology.
4 Thalassemia Foundation of Canada. (n.d.). Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved February
27, 2014, from Thalassemia Foundation of Canada:http://www.thalassemia.ca/ resources/faq-2/
5Iyer, U., Sharma, M., Dhruv, S., & Mani, U. (2010). Glycemic and Lipemic Effect of Wheatgrass Incorporated Recipes. Journal of Herbal Medicine and Toxicology, 4(1), 161-164.
6 Reeves, P. (n.d.). Articles: Information on Wheat Grass. Retrieved April 2014, from Food Alive: www.foodalive.org/articles/wheatgrass.htm