clean hands

Hygiene Is a Go

Sneezing or coughing, smoking or chewing, eating or drinking– what do you do after? Wash your hands. Hygiene consists of a set of practices associated with the preservation of both health and healthy living.  Hygiene is often debated in regards to industrial cleanliness.  Of course, there are constant reminders to wash hands, whether in the workplace or your favorite restaurant. However, the question remains, do people wash their hands, and if they do, do they wash them correctly? With all the signs and directions in washrooms, can we be sure that people are properly washing their hands?

It is typically known that we should wash our hands for approximately 20 seconds.  However, do we know the correct way to turn the taps off? Or even open the door? Researchers recommend the use of paper towel to turn taps off and open doors on the way out.  Recently, industry and commercial sectors have established sanitizing stations outside the washroom. Sanitizing is not a means to an end and should NOT replace hand washing, however it does reinforce health and safety. It is always appropriate to have proper facilities to ensure personal cleanliness and reduce cross-contamination. Hand washing stations should:

  • Be convenient and close to preparation areas
  • Close to all workers at all times
  • Have signs on procedures for hand washing
  • Water should be at 110 degrees Fahrenheit

Hygiene, is relevant is all areas of life. Cleanliness is important in keeping all people healthy and contaminate free.

Contest winner's Tawnee VandenBroek (left) and Yousef Jakarsezian (right) with Burlodge Canada's Nicole Sargent

Photo Credit: Arlington County via Compfight cc